Monday, November 23, 2009

sorry for the late post...

For our school, prize giving day was held at 20Th of November this year. It was my first time performing for the school on prize giving day and i felt excited but quite nervous. So weeks and days before the actual day, we had rehearsal on the performance.

On the actual day, i came at 6.50. we started the preparation at 7.00. lols... have to put make-up... even for boys! after putting the make-ups, the four plug in guitarist went to meet Mr chan in the hall.
After the performance, we went back to AVA room. some of them touch-up on their make-up while some of them played UNO. We played for awhile and went to play guitar. wanted Ming Xiang to lend me the love story lyrics but he say he never bring.

Soon after, we went down for break. then we came back to AVA room and when outside GO. we place the chairs around outside the GO. we tickled our guitars and soon it was finale. we rush up the hall. When the song had started, miss thai came to the back of the stage and said that guitars do not need to do finale in and angry tone. so we when back down to GO.

after the finale, the GOH and Mr Martin Tan came down, and we started playing our guitar. after that we went for our lunch. then we went up the hall, had a game with a balloon. We played for P1 orientation and went home.

part 2- please visit
coming in the early of December

kangli rocked it at 5:40 AM

Friday, November 6, 2009

sorry for the late post.

On 11/6/2009 was art fiesta for Anderson primary school.I was a guitar member and need to perform.

Early in the morning at 6.30 am, I reached school. Came so early so nothing much to do, so I took out my word search puzzle to do. I completed a puzzle of it. When it was 7.30, I have to go down and prepare the things needed for the performance I stand up and saw Rpeh and Jasmine signaling me to go down. When I reached the music room 2, Mr Chan was choosing people to go up and take the guitar and the footstools and I was one of them.

After the items had been brought down and arranged, we sat down and started playing our guitar. At around 8.30 am, the first class came. Mr Chan started by introducing the guitar club and then asked us to play the first part of 'A Tribute To Edith Piaf' then follow by the full song of 'La Cumparista'. These are the songs we will be going to play for SYF. More and more class came and we kept playing the same thing for them.

At 11 am, it was our recess. Lols, damn hungry, went to the canteen to get food. After that, I went up to the hall and saw my class up there playing band. Wah, they were pro in it. Then I went back to the music room. Very sian, nothing to do, So I went up to the hall again. By the time I reached there, they were not playing already. So I walked past them, then cheryl came running up to me and said they want to hear us play guitar. Ignoring her, I quickly got back down to the music room.

After a while when I reached to music room, someone knocked on the door, It was my class. Lols! they came down so fast. Ms Sue told ming xiang that her class wanted us play, but ming xiang disagreed. After talking for a few minutes, ming xiang finally allowed. So I ran to the cafe to get my cousin back to play the base. We played 2 songs for them and they went back to classroom.

At around 11.35 am, The 5.4 guitar students went back to classroom. We saw them playing games. I help Ms sue count the report books and soon after i had done, Jasmine said need to go back to music room. When we reached the music room, Mr Chan was teaching the guitar 2 members some of there skills. Mr Chan told us that we can go around the school until 12.45 pm. So we went back to class. at 12, it was mother tongue. some of the students would have to leave for there chinese lessons. So i went up to find my chinese teacher to get my overall result for chinese. Too bad, she did not have the slip with her. So i went down back to the music room.

When i got back, Mr Chan said we need to shift to music room 1. After shifting, we settled down. We went for our lunch break. Soon after our lunch break, we were told to shift again. lols! we need to shift again just because of a CCA. So we shifted to AVA room. Finally we can really settle down. Mr Chan then told us that playing for the lower primary is very important, because good apples had not been taken away and we want them to join guitar instead of bass band, Guzheng and so on. So we tried our best to play well.

After the art fiesta, we put our guitar at It resource room and left.

What a tiring but happy day.

bye bye and nite nite.

kangli rocked it at 6:13 PM


Listening to music,playing guitar


people that looks down on me

Real name:kangli nick name:kingson